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New green building - Container Housing portfolio





New green building - Container Housing portfolio

With the development of science and technology to improve people's economic level, on the long road of human development, economic development, whether natural or performance, have created a brilliant performance. At the same time, however, because of irrational exploitation and utilization of natural resources, Pay attention to environmental protection, resulting in a global ecological destruction and environmental pollution. These problems not only affect the container home economic development and social progress, and even threaten the survival of humanity, so that care for the environment, to promote environmental protection, it has become now Most concern. And a new type of environmentally friendly green building: container combined house has become a topic of gossip discussion.

Container Housing portfolio entire house including expansion of its main structure, beams, columns, floors are made of a special material, through a special structure adhesively bonded together, the entire plate is insulation. This container combination room overall softness Great earthquake level is very high. And the material can be recycled, container hotel it does not produce any construction waste. Because container combination room light, transportation is particularly convenient, especially so in those large equipment, vehicles get in place, such as He said the mountain, for example, the earthquake in the area, cars are not go up the mountain, have no way to transport cement reinforced up with this kind of thing human lift will go up, build quickly, saving time and increasing efficiency . The traditional residential buildings will Used in cement, steel, wood, etc. built, will not only produce industrial waste, but also time-consuming effort, compared to a combination container house really has environmental effects.

In short any new product that people need to understand, to know. Thus changing the traditional concept, I believe my presentation you will love this move has convenient, environmentally friendly new building, and I Convinced that this combination of eco-friendly container house in the future will have a belonging to their own honor.



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